Fear - A Woman's Place in the Outdoors

As a solo female hiker, the number one question we get is ‘aren’t you afraid?’. Hear from the perspective of a woman in the outdoors on facing fears and shaping society to protect women in the backcountry rather than make them feel unsafe.

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Nicole Granados
Argentina - Sustainable Communities

Argentina has faced many challenges as a nation, however, when you visit this beautiful country you will soon find a spirit alive in everyone filled with music, dance, and pure tenacity. Take a peek at some photos from my time working with a non-profit in Cordoba, Argentina to see how communities are working together to become self-sustainable.

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Look Up

“Statues can be torn down and erased so easily because they are tangible things. When it all comes down to it, the things that we think about now can easily be forgotten if we want them to because the only real lasting thing is here. Our home. This Earth. Billions of years from now and billions of years before us, this was here. You? Us? That’s a different story that has multiple endings.”

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